Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Abu Sa’id Ibn Abi’l-Khayer

I like this reading and especially the part about the souls. “Four thousand years before God created these bodies, he created the souls.” I haven’t every heard this before but it is interesting to think about it that way. Giving people a deeper connection of brotherhood before this body. That when we were without bodies we were connected and friends. We are all still connected even though we now live apart. Thinking in this manner can give a deeper connection to you and other people around the world a common love for god therefore for each other. We should all speak well of each other, we must show the same face to all, to bring joy to a single heart is better than to build many shrines of worship. I liked this example of brotherhood and how regardless of our differences we are all the same and we all need to show compassion to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Beautifully said! Our bodies are just the shell, it's whats inside-the soul-that matters the most.
