Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Huang Po

So I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out these readings about the “Original Mind” “pure mind” and getting rid of conceptual thought the whole time reading and getting more confused about how that is done. You can’t think about it or seek it or even know it. It is all extremely confusing for me and it is starting to get repetitive. Although, I really enjoyed the analogy of the warrior looking for his pearl and that simple thing helped me figure some of this out. He could look everywhere forever and not find it because it is on his own forehead, which he cannot see. “But if someone simply pointed it out to him he would immediately realize that the pearl had been there all the time” That put the search for enlightenment that way it seems to make more sense to me, or at list as much as it can for me. I was wondering if we need someone else to show us or if it could be known without some one showing you.
I also enjoyed the part about your true nature and how it is never lost, even if you are in moments of delusion. It can never die and it shines through the universe. I liked that thought so its there even if I don’t understand it and live in a more permanent delusional life. “It does exist, but in a way too marvelous for us to see”


  1. Yay, girl! You got your posts done! Woohoo, have a great honeymoon!

    I agree with you about the confusion and repitition. I found this reading confusing, and the thoughts you shared helped me to see it a little better. Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy the beach! I'm soooooo jealous!

  2. Hi Amanda...I liked your blog this week, & I could sense your frustration over all this complicated language (God is, God is not). It made me think of a passage from the Enlightened Mind (I forget who said it), that the desire to understand is all that matters. These things may sound repetitive and complicated, but if your heart is in the right place, answers will always eventually reveal themselves.

    And yea, have a great honeymoon!
