Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Albert Einstein

I know that we all grew up learning that Albert Einstein was a brilliant man, but I think this was the first time that I every got to experience his great mind through my own reading. This was great. I really liked they way that he explained that when you are no longer awed by this universe you might as well be dead. Its true that even with as much as science has taught us there are still so many things that just blow you away with amazement. And I love the mystery of things. That is one of my favorite parts about being a parent is watching my children be completely amazed with things that have become so normal to me that I forget how amazing they are, things like why trees grow or the fantastic way that flowers blow in the wind, my daughter spent an hour today picking up and looking at different kinds of rocks, she really studied everything about them how they felt, the sound they made when she dropped them, their size, shape and weight. Watching my children experience these things for the first time reminds me to appreciate this amazing world and remember the existence of the mystical, those things that I am usually too busy to notice. I also liked they way that he gave us our task and I think that I will try to live like that more “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings of nature.” It seems like a simpler task to expand our circle of compassion instead of saying we need to be liberated from ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I also blogged on the passage by Albert Einstein. Like you i have learned about him in school but this is the first time i really got to read any of his work. Parts to me where a little confusing but i really like the part about widening our circles of compassion.
