Wednesday, March 4, 2009

There were many parts of this reading that I enjoyed and agreed with and I enjoyed this one very much.
The first passage about talking to the embryo and trying to explain the beautiful world to someone who hasn’t experienced it. I think this is a great way of looking at people in all situations that you can talk about something as much as you want and tray to explain it to someone but it is difficult or sometimes impossible for them to picture it until they themselves have experienced it. They think you are crazy and you think they are blind. You are both just seeing and experiencing things from different view points.

The second part that I enjoyed is the part were Moses told the Shepard that they way that he was praying to God was wrong and God told Moses that it didn’t matter how someone talked or prayed to God that there was no wrong way to pray that God looks deeper than the words and inside the person for the humility and all he hears is praise. What a great thought that the way we pray can’t be wrong it is the right way if we believe it. “The Love Religion has no doctrine. Only God”
I also really enjoyed the part about beauty. “It is not the form of Laila that I love. Laila is not in the form. You are looking at the cup, whereas I think only of the wine I drink form that cup. Passion is present when a man can distinguish between the wine and the container.” This is one of the most beautiful passages about looking for the inner beauty in someone that I have every read. How great it would be if we could all see the wine and not the container.

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