Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Hermetic Writings

This reading was different. I don’t think that it common for people to say in order to know god you must make yourself equal to god. I think that most religions focus on how god is greater than, the almighty, and the creator of everything, and we are just human. How can you be expected to become equal to God. Is he saying that you can’t really know god because as a human we can’t make ourselves equal to god. We can’t (most of us humans anyway) Realize that nothing is impossible, or that we too are immortal, understand that we are everywhere. It would be great if we could just realize that and become everything and be equal to God. But if we are all equal to god than is there a God? Lots to think about in this reading. Then it changes to say that the path to god is an easy road to travel. Realizing that I am death and life at the same time doesn’t sound easy to me. Maybe I am just tiered. I did like how he said “he will appear to you everywhere at times and places when you don’t expect it, for there is nothing in which god does not exist” “God made all things so that through all things you can see him.”

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