Wednesday, February 11, 2009



This explanation of the practice of meditation was the simplest and best that I have ever read. Meditation is not to learn something new or to become enlightened. It is used to quiet your mind get rid of all passing thoughts and bring it back to the beginners mind. Like Shunryu Suzuki said, “Our original mind includes everything within itself. It is always rich and sufficient within its self”
Meditation seems so simple but it is extremely difficult to let your thoughts come and go and not get involved with them. I can’t even read a book, watch a movie or write this paper without getting involved with my thoughts.
I like how he said if you can’t find the truth where you are where else do you think you will find it. It seems like everyone is always looking for someone else to give them the answers or the truth how powerful would it be if we could realize that it is already inside us.

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