Wednesday, February 18, 2009



I really enjoyed this reading. Like some of the others that we have read I like the ones that remind us the we have everything that we need inside ourselves and that we cannot escape our nature. We just need to act sincerely in accordance to our nature and stop trying to fight it or change it that is what creates conflict you cant fight your nature. Can you? We spend most of our lives seeking the greater “afterlife” that we often forget to live in harmony with nature and enjoy life. The readings that really mean something to me are the ones like this that remind us to live simpler and show us that we have everything that we need inside us already. And when we fail we need to look into ourselves to find out the why we failed and that maybe it wasn’t something we did wrong but only our definition of failure that was wrong and needs to change. I also liked the quote that “he makes sure that his own conduct is correct and seeks nothing from others; thus he is never disappointed. He has no complaints against heaven and no blame toward other people” Culturally we measure success by comparing what other people have and we find ourselves always disappointed and wanting something more or different but if we lived and acted by our own individual values and followed our own hearts desires and rules that is when we truly feel successful. “The mature person pays attention to what is happening in his inmost self” How many of us actually do this why don’t we trust our own judgment. Why are we constantly looking for someone else to tell us how to be? As this reading said we already know we just have to pay attention.


  1. I agree with you. I thought this reading was an attention getter. I agree that we should live for today and dismiss the worry of the "afterlife". Enjoy life and nature . . . good points.

  2. I really like what you had to say about this reading. I also like the ones that remind us that we have everything we need inside ourselves. I do think people can fight their nature. I think we are all born good but there are influences that can change our actions and thoughts. I think these types of religions are trying to teach us to let go of these influences and revert back to our basic nature. I think it is important to be reminded to look inside ourselves.
