Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I loved the short and sweet version of things. This passage really says all that needs to be said. Lets just keep it simple we don’t need to confuse our minds with literal descriptions of “God” because there are none, words are too limited and the enlightened mind cannot be explained. This short passage is one of the best examples that I have heard of the enlightened mind and the Buddha nature. Most reading confuse me and make my head spin thinking and thinking and trying to pull out meaning making things more complicated than they are. I just want to say OUCH Because how can it be important if its not complicated. This one is just there another reminder that the enlightened mind is the original mind and that all of the words teachings and descriptions only confuse things more. Like in yoga when you quiet all of your thoughts and let go of all things taught that is when you can become enlightened. It comes from inside you nowhere else. Just your realization that the mind is perfect. “You are simply free from delusion and unreality.” “Be a lamp to yourself. Be your own confidence. Hold on to the truth within yourself, as to the only truth.” The Buddha. I can always come back to that quote.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that shorter is better as long as what is said is meaningful. We should always try and do the right thing not only when it suits us but all the time.
