Tuesday, February 3, 2009


“Today” means boundless and inexhaustible eternity. Periods of months and years and of time in general are ideas of men, who calculate by number; but the true name of eternity is today.”
These words really hit home for me. It seems that in my life and in our culture we are all living for tomorrow. Always putting off that trip until we have more money. Saying to the kids we will play later mommy is busy now. Never spending enough time with friends and family because there is work that needs to be done. I am always trying to remind myself: Live for today. Enjoy every minute. Life is short. But it never seems to work and I find myself at the end of the day or the week or the months asking myself were did the time go. If I keep up like that life will be over in a flash. I want to enjoy my life. Get to know my parents better before they are gone, and really play with my kids more. That is they way this reading took my thoughts.

I also enjoyed the part about his super abundant wealth in nature, more than enough for as many as wish to profit from it and that every soul the he created has goodness in it. This is also something that needs to be remembered. When there is too much bad news in a day its hard to remember that every one has goodness in them, and that the goal of wisdom is laughter and play. This reading gave me a lot to think about on how I spend my time, how I tolerate others and do I “play” enough. I am sure that I will read this piece again and again. When I am feeling overwhelmed and lost.

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